AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Free Download For Windows [Latest-2022]


AutoCAD is available in two different versions:

AutoCAD LT (licensed-only)

AutoCAD LT/E (licensed-only or EA)

AutoCAD LT/E is a version of AutoCAD LT with additional features from AutoCAD MEP.

These two AutoCAD versions are available for purchase online.

If you are a licensee of AutoCAD LT, you can upgrade to AutoCAD LT/E for free.

Both the products are cross-platform and are available for use on any platform for which AutoCAD is licensed.

If you are using AutoCAD LT/E, you can upgrade to AutoCAD LT. For new installations of AutoCAD LT, please refer to the “New Installation” section.

AutoCAD LT/E comes with a 3-year license.

AutoCAD LT comes with a 30-day license.

AutoCAD LT/E supports the native font used in the product, whereas AutoCAD LT requires a font, such as Adobe Garamond, installed on your computer.

If you already have a version of AutoCAD running, you can upgrade to AutoCAD LT/E for free. If you have a version of AutoCAD LT, you can use the online upgrade to AutoCAD LT/E.


If you are currently using AutoCAD LT/E, you can upgrade to AutoCAD LT.

If you are a new user of AutoCAD, you can get a free 30-day trial of AutoCAD LT.

If you have a version of AutoCAD LT, you can upgrade to AutoCAD LT/E for free.

Both the products are cross-platform and are available for use on any platform for which AutoCAD is licensed.

AutoCAD LT/E is not a licensed version of AutoCAD and is not meant to be used as a replacement for licensed AutoCAD software.

Licensed users of AutoCAD LT/E may not be able to use AutoCAD MEP or other new features of AutoCAD MEP if they are using it in a manner that is different than the use of AutoCAD LT.

If you already have a version of AutoCAD LT/E running, you can upgrade to

AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Download

3D Visualization

AutoCAD is built on a strong foundation of 3D functionality. AutoCAD is able to display and manipulate model elements in 3D space. It can create 3D construction drawings, arrange 3D drawings into floors, walls and ceilings, and render a floorplan.

During a 3D perspective or orthographic view, model elements can be rotated, moved, and scaled. Using the various tools provided with AutoCAD, an individual can create both 2D and 3D views.

AutoCAD also provides a facility for the creation of 3D views, in particular the QuickSelect dialog box, which lets you quickly switch to different views.

There are several 3D applications for AutoCAD that can be used to create and edit 3D models, such as:

BIMx (Autodesk Inc.)
NX (Autodesk Inc.)
eDrawings (Siemens AG)
Cimatron (sigma-tau Inc)
Arteo (Autodesk Inc.)
Hyperworks (Autodesk Inc.)
Inventor (Autodesk Inc.)
Revit (Dassault Systèmes)
Fusion 360 (Dassault Systèmes)

AutoCAD 2010 also includes version of plug-ins for Microsoft Office that are available for download. These include:
Outlook: Create AutoCAD drawings that can be exported to the Microsoft Outlook e-mail format.
Word: Translate text, formulas and other parts of the document into and out of AutoCAD using the standard Word tagging format.
Excel: Export AutoCAD to Microsoft Excel.
PowerPoint: Convert AutoCAD drawings into PowerPoint presentations and drawings.

With Autodesk Navisworks (formerly Product Design) version 2011, Autodesk introduced a new 3D computer-aided design (CAD) modeler. It is part of the Windows and Mac operating systems, with different versions for Windows and Mac. Navisworks is a 3D mechanical design software, that allows you to create and maintain models of 3D parts, such as machinery or buildings. A 3D modeler allows you to create a variety of 3D objects from 2D drawings. Navisworks allows you to model and optimize 3D parts with advanced features such as CADNIC 3D and direct NURBS modeling, complete with global and local smoothing.

AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Torrent

Type keygen in the search bar and hit Enter. A Download button should appear.
Download the Autocad keygen. Save it to your desktop.
Launch Autocad.
Click File -> Options -> Addon tab -> Activate Addon.
Enter the.exe file you just downloaded into the Keygen option field and click the Activate button.


You may want to try opening the.ace file as text and using a text editor like Notepad++. If that doesn’t work you could try manually registering the add-on:

Open an Autocad document
Right click and choose Open
Navigate to the file you downloaded
Open in a new tab
Click the File menu, then choose Options
Click the Addons tab
Find your autocad add-on and click the Activate button.


Pity the manager of a U.K. bank, when three thieves will attempt to pull off a $23 million heist this year. That’s according to the World Federation of Diamond Bourses’ top ten list of the year’s most valuable jewelry heists.

In all, there were 34 heists worth more than $10 million in 2012, the WSIB informed the World Diamond Council in a press release.

The heists with the most bang for the buck were the heist at the Ezzit luxury hotel in Saudi Arabia, the rubies and sapphires from the Bulgari store in New York and the diamonds from the world-famous Cartier vault in France, followed by the $5.2 million burglary of the Coeur Sportif jeweler in Belgium.

Aside from all the bling, those three burglaries happened in three separate, seemingly unrelated countries.

Most of the heists took place in European countries, but South Africa, the U.S. and the Middle East also got some attention, the WSIB explained.

Like many heists, most of the jewel heists happen during business hours. That means that businesses with their facilities on the ground floor could be more vulnerable than ones on the upper floors.

The stolen gems could be recovered, but they could still fetch a high price when sold.

The WSIB pointed out that “the global market is healthy” and the number of jewel thieves was down from the levels in 2008. But the value of the jewelry stolen still held the same importance in 2012 as in 2008, the

What’s New in the?

Maintain and update existing sheet structures on drawings. Redesign parts of a drawing by reorganizing and editing existing sheet structures. (video: 1:18 min.)

The ability to incorporate drawing changes into an existing drawing, all without having to re-open it. (video: 1:25 min.)

Interactive and graphical query support for OLE objects:

The ability to dynamically query an OLE object to extract all its properties and methods. (video: 1:14 min.)

The ability to query and display all user-defined properties and methods for OLE objects, along with their documentation. (video: 1:20 min.)

The ability to easily use the interactive data-driven query view to retrieve data from OLE objects. (video: 1:23 min.)

Import and save, as well as open and export, your drawings and XREF in the Cloud.

Create drawings by importing AutoCAD XREFs. Import any AutoCAD XREF, including XREFs that were already present on a drawing, into a new drawing. Open and export drawings in the cloud, where you can import them into other applications, including Microsoft Excel. (video: 1:20 min.)

Import and save AutoCAD drawings as Cloud storage files. When you add an AutoCAD drawing to your OneDrive for Business account, you will be able to open, edit, and save it to the cloud. (video: 1:19 min.)

Edit the title bar in the viewing and markup tools:

Modify the title bar in the viewing and markup tools to show the name of the drawing in the title bar. (video: 1:17 min.)

Use commands to quickly create title bar adjustments, including alignment, framing, and padding. (video: 1:23 min.)

Reorder the title bar items and configure the space between them. (video: 1:25 min.)

Use an updated endpoints architecture:

Expose endpoints that define the role of the application in the context of OLE to ActiveX controls. (video: 1:08 min.)

Allow applications to interact with OLE objects and manage the lifecycle of OLE controls. (video: 1:14 min.)

Use the new ActiveX framework and provide application with more control of the ActiveX control. (video: 1:13 min

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / AMD Radeon HD 7870 recommended.
Other systems may or may not be playable.
For optimal performance, the game may require up to 12GB of free space.
Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8
CPU: 2.8 Ghz Dual Core
Memory: 6 GB
Graphics: DirectX 11 compatible with: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8,
DirectX 11 capable GPUs with 1GB+ of video memory