Risk 2 Full Version Crack ((HOT))


Risk 2 Full Version Crack

epidemiological studies have documented that most users of crack-cocaine usually do not become habitual drug users, but for most, the first experience with the use of this drug is described as a pleasurable and entertaining experience, which, over time, leads them to seek the drug on a regular basis [ 10 ]. the available studies indicate that, although crack-cocaine use is associated with a range of important adverse health outcomes, its use does not necessarily lead to dependence. according to the national survey of crack-cocaine users, the prevalence of heavy use (that is, >6 times a week use in the past month) was 7.8% for crack-cocaine and only 3.8% for powder cocaine (not heated, which has a lower abuse potential) [ 28 ]. furthermore, studies in san francisco found that, on average, the prevalence of powder-cocaine use was 19% in the past month and 37% in the past year, whereas the prevalence of crack-cocaine use was 13% in the past month and 12% in the past year [ 29 ].

we are aware that the small sample size might limit the generalizability of our results, and this is why we have decided to include different treatment centers. a strength of this study is the unique combination of a random sample of patients in three different treatment centers. additionally, we were able to include, in most of the cases, a significant proportion of men in early stages of crack-cocaine use (pre-cocaine psychosis and minor).

the sample that completed the risk and protective factors assessment was composed of a total of 159 patients, with ages ranging from 18 to 65 years old. this sample comprised 56% of black (of african descent), 19% of mestizo, and 25% of white individuals. regarding the substance most frequently used, 38% of the participants reported using crack-cocaine, while other substances were used in the following proportions: 6% marijuana, 13% alcohol, 5% cocaine, and 54% other substances (including ecstasy, ketamine, and other drugs). the average age at which crack-cocaine was first used was 20 years old. mean age at the time of the interview was 30 years old. the majority of patients (70%) had initiated use of crack-cocaine before the age of 24 years.

epidemiological studies have documented that most users of crack-cocaine usually do not become habitual drug users, but for most, the first experience with the use of this drug is described as a pleasurable and entertaining experience, which, over time, leads them to seek the drug on a regular basis [ 10 ]. the available studies indicate that, although crack-cocaine use is associated with a range of important adverse health outcomes, its use does not necessarily lead to dependence. according to the national survey of crack-cocaine users, the prevalence of heavy use (that is, >6 times a week use in the past month) was 7.8% for crack-cocaine and only 3.8% for powder cocaine (not heated, which has a lower abuse potential) [ 28 ]. furthermore, studies in san francisco found that, on average, the prevalence of powder-cocaine use was 19% in the past month and 37% in the past year, whereas the prevalence of crack-cocaine use was 13% in the past month and 12% in the past year [ 29 ].
we are aware that the small sample size might limit the generalizability of our results, and this is why we have decided to include different treatment centers. a strength of this study is the unique combination of a random sample of patients in three different treatment centers. additionally, we were able to include, in most of the cases, a significant proportion of men in early stages of crack-cocaine use (pre-cocaine psychosis and minor).
the sample that completed the risk and protective factors assessment was composed of a total of 159 patients, with ages ranging from 18 to 65 years old. this sample comprised 56% of black (of african descent), 19% of mestizo, and 25% of white individuals. regarding the substance most frequently used, 38% of the participants reported using crack-cocaine, while other substances were used in the following proportions: 6% marijuana, 13% alcohol, 5% cocaine, and 54% other substances (including ecstasy, ketamine, and other drugs). the average age at which crack-cocaine was first used was 20 years old. mean age at the time of the interview was 30 years old. the majority of patients (70%) had initiated use of crack-cocaine before the age of 24 years.
