Total.War.Rome.2.[PORTABLE] Crack.Only-RELOADED CPY


Total.War.Rome.2.Crack.Only-RELOADED CPY

Rome 2 is an awesome game and our team has been really excited to start work on it. However, after playing the game for some time now we have become painfully aware of some of its design flaws. Our focus is on the development of the massive campaign mode to create a truly epic game world that extends across the entire edge of the Warhammer universe.

Sadly, the next major patch only nerfs the Rom, Rus and Celtic factions. This is a double edged sword. The Romans are indeed nerfed by the changes that come with the next patch yet they take the brunt of it. In addition to doing that, we have been adjusting the factions popularity, so the Romans lose their passive command for being the best of the three at the start. This does give players a chance to start with some units that have not yet been updated for the major patch, as they are still faction based. So for players who want a boost or are looking for an easier start with new or alternate faction, Impera can help.

Divide et Impera has a number of cosmetic changes as well. Characters are now allowed to speak Roman instead of Aquae Sulis, as well as the Imperial dress varies from the Underworld attire. The auxiliary units can use all of the normal heavy, medium, and light units and the game now has a female suffragist unit who can make her own civil war adjustments to the nation, if thats your thing.

-All new UI and controls (we use to achive Control’s idea of better UI)
-Improved enemy AI and performance (The AI will feel much more resilient even for small groups)
-Improved artillery unit AI, increase the rate of fire of artillery units in battles, change the rotation speed of artillery units (to enable cannon fire more frequently than reloading)
-Improved garrison AI, improved the range of attack of garrison units.
-Improved NPC and Hero AI, increase their experience gain rate.
-Improved building construction AI, make construction faster. Construct buildings out of the construction queue as soon as they have enough resources rather than resuming the construction. This makes the movement of large amounts of units much more efficient.
-Improved economy AI, make economy more effective.
-Improved morale affects on units, make unit morale change much faster. It is now possible to change a unit’s morale or take effect of morale in the middle of a battle. Changes in morale take much less time.
-Improved diplomacy screen and dialog, make diplomacy much more realistic in the game, improved AI reactions.
-City management improvements, improve city management, and make more cities useful in the campaign.
-Land claims improved, improved land claims, will increase the chances of getting land in the future.
-More historic battles and scenarios, improved history, will provide additional content in the end of the game. The units present in the battle are recreated with more details and adjusted to the conditions of the battlefields in which they fought.
-Improved army production screen and unit production, increased army and unit production in the game. Increased the amount of unit and army production zones, increased unit and army production rates.
-Improved campaign script to enable you to play with greater chance for player vs. player, or battle. Various improvements will be implemented based on player input.
-Cleaned up a lot of the code, improved the performance and reduced the size of the game a lot. Removed a lot of errors and bugs.

We know that having both Immortals and Chaos will be a big thing for some, and therefore weve devoted a lot of focus to getting that right. This is the culmination of that. Youll see the effects of the first ever playable Immortal legend in game in the form of Tiberias, the mad uncle of your Roman Emperor. He has an elite cavalry on both him and his horse to finish off any of your members youve lost in the undead states, and will raise your totals of prestige and chance to win the battles in the next victory screen to insane levels, with both Chaos and immortal horse blood the ultimate prize. The good news is, there is a solution!
However, for us, the most important thing is that you can have as much as you like of them in your personal collection, without spending a single dime! Yes, we know that this makes us exactly like a publisher, but we dont care. We work for you and this is the best way to show that we do. We dont need to spend a penny on advertising because our community is growing too fast, and we dont need to pay for a marketing team to run around the country getting our name in peoples faces because the game plays well without us. The only thing you need to pay is for the patch to finish, which is fairly cheap, and weve done the rest of the work.
In the final years of the Aurelian succession, the Illyrian Insurgency reared its head once again, threatening the stability of the Tetrarchy and forcing the Tetrarch to call out an expedition against the rebel territory. This would be a massive undertaking, but the Tetrarchs strategy turned out to be successful: by building up a pre-existent alliance with the Gothic Kingdom, the Tetrarchs were able to finally subdue the rebels, and formed themselves into the Conciliatores of the Goths. In this mod, we have added a new faction to the Rome/Gaul mod, the Goths, bringing several new bonuses and gameplay options to the mod.