Angelo And Deemon: One Hell Of A Quest Free Download

Description: Angelo And Deemon: One Hell Of A Quest The classical game developers gave us an entertaining experience. Its characters are remarkable and the plot line very well built up.
The biggest problem of this game is the lack of originality. Some negative reviews expressed that it did not play like a classic point-and-click adventure game. But we think that this game was not reviewed as it deserves. This game is great and has a unique story with fabulous graphics and music. The game is played in 3 different adventure games with the characters is Angelo and Deemon. It is available in English, French, German, Polish, Czech, Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Korean, Greek, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, and in the game you have a lot of locations and lots of hidden objects and puzzles. Good luck.
Download Angelo And Deemon: One Hell Of A Quest

Angelo is an amazing guy. A guy who might have a little bit of magic and telepathy. Deemon is an incredibly hip hopper. A guy who can find a freaking song in his phone. To be completely honest, I hadnt seen the movie, but the games and the description of the game reminded me of the movie. So Im going to assume theres some kind of relationship between the two. So what happens? Angelo and Deemon become partners. Theyre both looking for their names. They both have a belief that they can get their names. And thats what they do throughout the game. They walk along the road leading to Hell. And thats where the story begins. Oh yea and Angelo is an awesome guy.

Angels with devil deals. It doesnt work for lots of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that it both requires the players complete cooperation, and makes the authorless comedy of the Newgrounds original version impossible to replicate. Deemon doesnt trust angels, so, to begin with, the two cant just sit down and play a video game together. Instead, Angelo and Death end up going their separate ways, walking along an alternate, more dangerous path to Hell. Angelo sets out to find the names of his parents, while Deemon discovers the strange place where angels go when theyre not killing men in the name of their master. It becomes clear that Angelo isnt here to find out what happened to his parents, because if he had, he could simply have asked his parents. Its also clear that Deemon wants to find his own name, as his business card reveals. Deemon even begins to follow a mysterious man on the other path, acting like a kid, befriending him, then making him a birthday present. The reason he does this is that he knows, deep down, that the man has his own agenda. But why does the man, Masterd, want to know what the angels are doing? Some clues are given by minor characters, but the reason remains frustratingly obscure. Even more frustrating is that it becomes impossible to complete the game. Its impossible, because players who arent spending the time completing the game at any point are guaranteed to be reset back to the beginning of the path.
