Paranoia Agent Torrent English Dub UPDATED


Paranoia Agent Torrent English Dub

The thing is, I dont have to. Ive discovered, if you follow a few simple rules, that you can get more satisfaction from a given anime/manga than you could from a foreign-language dub. In fact, if you get tired of subtitles, you can even bypass them entirely by watching the English subbed version on YouTube. And that doesnt mean its inferior, just different. The translated stuff isnt necessarily less competent than the original Japanese, but its definitely different. And in the case of shoujo manga, you might want to reconsider seeing a double feature of shoujo manga because seeing any more is a waste of time and potential headache. To change apropos of this particular anime, the voice cast for the English dub can be found here. Its mostly Akiko Yajima (Juri Shido, Queen M.) doing the dub for Yuri Kishi. But it has its good points and I think the original Japanese version has less of a cache. Including the two superb cameo characters. By the way, this specific episode is available in the Japanese version, which makes a double feature of the subtitled original a bit redundant since the dub has excellent acting in this case, but I havent read the original Japanese and dont know whether its possible to see a subs-and-dubs version of it. Im still gonna try to squeeze the original out of YouTube, though.

The Wikipedia page for that anime is a good starting point, as is my own conclusion at the end. I dont have as much spare time for anime as I used to, but I make sure to buy the boxed sets to watch them in their original language. Like I said, I dont get any pop culture sense of the Japanese language, so I really enjoy putting myself in the shoes of the characters and hearing what they think. There is something almost meditative in that experience. Conversely, when I see the Japanese words onscreen, my heart is racing like I just watched an action movie and all is lost. In the case of Paranoia Agent, the English dub actually adds stuff, so it doesnt spoil the plot for those who watch it without the original Japanese.

What I find to be most enjoyable is watching the English dub when I actually know the story well enough in Japanese, and that way I can focus on the way that each character tells the story rather than how the story is translated in English. What I thought was a well-written script in Japanese is made into a poor translation in English, and vice versa. The English version of Paranoia Agent is riddled with moments that cause me to stop the movie or rewind a few times to try to understand the dialogue. None of the moments would be annoying for those who never watched the show previously, but they would be very distracting to someone who remembers the original. For example, there are several moments where the heroine is silent and just conveys a feeling that may mean something very different depending on context. Its hard to tell what the meaning is supposed to be without context clues, and the English dub doesnt even try to provide it. Another example is the scene where the mother is trying to explain her strategy in order to sell her daughter. In the Japanese original, the camera is focused on the mom as she gives the best case that she has on how she can get her daughter into a good college, and her daughter is biting her lip. If you know what is coming in the story, you can understand the implication of that bit of behavior, but in the English dub, her daughter just looks sad.
