TMS Component Pack Full Source [2012, ENG] |TOP|


TMS Component Pack Full Source [2012, ENG]

WmhdDigital adds a new two dimensional digital signal processing library to TMS. It introduces a unified interface for defining and performing the various steps of both modem demodulation and modem decoding. Modems used with TMS can be easily configured by means of a chart, thus avoiding any developer intervention. Modem configurations can be changed on-the-fly. Further more, modem-specific features such as cyclic redundancy check (CRC) can be used in the TMS Application Manager for quick and easy automatic modem configuration. Modems can be automatically configured also through the COM port settings, either directly and through a chart. Decoding is performed in hardware with the help of a VFX80 or VFX28 pulse code modulation (PCM) demodulator. It can synchronize up to four decoders to reduce checksum errors. Configurable ports are available for both synchronous and asynchronous data transfers. In addition, the library supports both the digital quality metric measurement (DQM) method and the standard method of continuous bit error rate (CBER) measurement. The TMS Digital Secure Module (DSM) also helps reduce chances of bit errors. The DSM is equipped with a stacker algorithm that retrieves lost bit information in cases of stack overflow. It provides the opportunity to protect information in several ways. Note: Only DSM v4 is supported.TMS WmhdDigital PHP Module: Enhance the TMS WebInterface or CGI execution of TMS with C, CGI and PHP support via the WmhdDigital extension to give users the option of using new features of TMS with older browsers that do not support TMS WebForms.TMS WmhdDigital SDK: Includes precompiled PHP helper files that allow you to use PHP and the WmhdDigital TMS WebInterface extension in Delphi projects.SDM Components: TMS Digital Secure Module (DSM) is equipped with a stacker algorithm that retrieves lost bit information in cases of stack overflow.TMS WmhdDigital PHP Module is an enhanced version of WmhdDigital Extension Interface. It supports all of the standard interaction types of WmhdDigital.Just reference the WmhdDigital PHP Module DLL in your application and include the WmhdDigital DLL in your application.Simple DLL calls: Call directly to the appropriate functions: Call Message, Functions, Custom Functions, Events.
