Additional Information

Name Elden Ring
Publisher Administrator
Format File
Rating 4.91 / 5 ( 5705 votes )
Update (1 days ago)







The game ‘The Tarnished Prince’ was developed in 2014.

It is a Fantasy Action RPG created on the Android OS.

The game was received strongly by many people as it was produced by the Yoko Taro Studio(@0xZERO), and it was recommended by many well-known game journalists of that time, such as the Game no Otaku, Operation Rainfall, Destructoid, etc.

To help those people follow the development of the game, it was released on Steam(Steam Greenlight page) on February 24th, 2015.


Target OS is an operating system developed for mobile devices. We support Android, and on this Operating System, we develop games such as ‘The Tarnished Prince’ by Yoko Taro Studio.

For further details, please visit

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank everyone for showing interest in our game. We sincerely promise you that we will create even better games for you to enjoy in the future.

Thank you for playing The Tarnished Prince.

Conquest of the DeltaQ:

When is a 2-to-1 monoid a group?

Consider the monoid of all non-surjective functions $T:T \rightarrow T$. To be specific, for fixed $n \in \mathbb N$ let $T$ be the set of all functions $T:T \rightarrow T$ with the following properties:

$T$ has at most $n+1$ elements.
$T$ has exactly $n+1$ elements.
$\forall t,u \in T$ with $t
eq u: \, t
eq u$ and $t+u
eq T$.

Let $T^T = \{f \in T \,|\, \forall t \in T: \, f(t) = t \}$ and let $G$


Features Key:

  • Travel through the Lands Between, meeting with popular and legendary monsters, and earn Great Swords and armor

  • Choice of two different, highly detailed character types, based on warrior or mage

    • Quick, short-distance attacks to complement powerful direct damage with a variety of skills

    • Deep and precise attacks allowing you to advance skillfully toward your enemy

  • Effortless transitioning between on-screen characters and between real and game time

    • When you are in offline mode, other characters and characters in game continue to act normally

    • Roles of off-screen characters are not displayed on-screen

  • Offline battles are varied in three stages, allowing you to get used to battle skills in the different stages

    • Movement resembling a turn-based battle

    • A real, free-form battle

    • A real turn-based battle that goes back and forth

  • Combine powerful attacks and skills with the Battles Ring, which bestows special effects in a battle!

  • Time passes “normally” while waiting to go into battle

    • You can use the Off-Camera Menu and other actions while waiting to go into battle, such as increasing weapon skills or calling allies to your side

    • While waiting for battle to start, you can access the Off-Camera Menu for various functions

  • In the system menu, while in battle, the menu item “Camera” is displayed briefly during turn changes


    Elden Ring [Updated] 2022

    ▼ Instructions and Revalations ▼


    ■ The game is in Japanese language, please take a look at the existing localizers first.

    ■ The game will be fully released worldwide on December 1st, 2017.

    ■ If you are the translator of the game, please contact us to make your voice heard!

    ■ We are planning to release a patch for the game to expand and fix possible bugs along with the release of the game version.


    ■ It is time for a long-awaited update! It is a full update to the previously released version (version 1.03) of the game.

    ■ It is compatible with both the English language and Japanese language on all platforms. If you are playing on Steam, please update to version 1.03.

    ■ Please read the update notes carefully to learn about changes!

    ■ If you feel that we missed something, please comment on the blog and I will see about it.

    ■ Please use steam version if you are using Steam.

    ■ If you are using GOG version, please note that this update is not compatible with GOG version.

    ■ If you have already purchased the game, please contact us regarding for the refund. Please do not ask me to do it since the game is fully re-released on December 1st, 2017.

    ■ If you are a user of GOG version who did not purchase the game, or are one who just purchased it but you do not know if you have purchased the game or not, please contact us to see if you are able to receive a refund.

    ■ We are considering adding MogaMoga service for the online version.

    ■ If you have any feedback to give, please let us know. You can submit it on the blog, tag @thegardenofel in Twitter or email me directly at

    ■ If you are the game’s localizer, please let us know your information and your future plans.


    ■ The game will be fully released on December 1st, 2017.

    ■ If you are the localizer of the game, please let us know your information and your future plans.


    ■ It is time for a long-awaited update! It is a full update to the previously released version (version 1.03)


    Elden Ring Activation Code With Keygen Free Download [Win/Mac] (2022)









    What’s new in Elden Ring:

    2015-10-16T00:00:00+04:002015-10-24T23:01:00+04:00TaniaValle class=”2016-03-24T06:54:06Z”>a wide city
    walk, a meandering trail
    through the dunes of time
    \- by SUNRISE”

    A loud thud to the right. A cry of “Sandy! Sandy!”
    A soldier, called Tumble, propped up against a sign by the crossroads
    and wind-weathered

    … a soldier, called Sandy seems not to have noticed him. To Sandy.
    “What do you mean, this is a waste?”
    Sandy looked around the empty street in front of the station. The low hills of the region were like the tawny dunes of the desert which started from the north. The sand dunes rose in size all the way to the Cerulean Sea where the wind blew strong and hard. A variety of noises drifted from the distance: shouts of people, the sound of a bell, marching feet of soldiers, ships on the shore, waves crashing; the smell of spicy food and fresh bread mingled with the smoke from charcoal braziers and the cold wind blowing through the cracks of the houses.
    … hails a witch for protection. The witch asked for rice.
    A soldier, called Sandy, seemed not to have noticed her. To Sandy,
    “What did you mean, this is a waste?”

    Sandy looked around the empty street in front of the station.
    “What do you mean, this is a waste?”
    Sandy seemed very unhappy with her question


    Download Elden Ring For PC

    1. Double click the downloaded install icon to install the game in default installation folder (usually: C:\Program Files\Elden Ring).
    2. Run the game exe file to install the game.
    3. Run the game after you log on to play.
    4. Run the game and search for “Crack” on the main menu
    5. Crack the game
    6. You are done.
    7. Enjoy the game.


    Originally posted by aus-aholic

    Elden Ring Editor to manipulate game data!

    To learn how to edit the game data to manipulate game events and improve game performance, visit [] for more information.


    Originally posted by SuperScience

    Elden Ring Music Album! Download now!

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 1. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 2. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 3. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 4. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 5. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 6. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 7. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 8. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 9. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 10. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 11. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 12. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 13. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 14. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 15. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 16. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 17. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 18. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album – 19. Download

    Elden Ring – Music Album –


    How To Crack:

  • Legal Notice:
  • That game is one of the significant representative products of TW Designs. It is the primary purpose of the Company to operate video games that satisfy the needs of the world in the fields of entertainment and communications. The Company desires to protect the intellectual property of its content through the various legal procedures.
  • Virus:
  • In order to protect the rights of users, this application requires that certain conditions be met. This application has a vulnerability; It potentially allows basic game information to be read and transmitted even if it is not activated.
  • Uninstallation:
  • 1. Uninstall from system:
  • Windows 8.1 & Windows 8 (running Windows 7): Control Panel > Programs and Features > Microsoft Games & apps > THE NEW FANTASY ACTION RPG > Uninstall (search for the title in your Start Menu).
  • Windows 7 & Windows Vista: No additional app required.
  • 1.1 In Windows 10, Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall > APPLICATIONS (GO TO THE TOP).
  • 1.2 In Windows 8, Control Panel > System > Apps (SEARCH FOR THE APPLICATION).
  • 1.3 In Windows 7, (Control Panel > All Programs > (Application and Run) > Programmes) (SEARCH FOR THE PROGRAM).
  • You are free to copy this program only if you can remove the application. DO NOT remove other applications in order to make room for them.
  • You are free to copy this file. DO NOT distribute it with other applications.
  • You are free to modify this program. DO NOT distribute it with other applications.
  • Remember to continue to refer to this license and Privacy Policy when modifying and deploying this application.
  • Restore all default settings whenever removing an application like this.
  • You may freely change the application’s title.
  • You may freely change the application’s volume name.
  • This application does not require


    System Requirements:

    Emberdrake is available for Windows and Mac OS X. The minimum system requirements are as follows:
    2 GHz dual core CPU
    4 GB RAM
    2 GB RAM (for Windows) or 2 GB RAM (for Mac OS X)
    You need a graphics card that can play Minecraft, but not necessarily a high-end graphics card. (Depending on your machine’s performance, you may not need a graphics card at all.)
    Note: If you have an unsupported graphics card, you may experience problems with the game.