AutoCAD Crack + Free Registration Code Free Download PC/Windows [March-2022]


AutoCAD stands for “automated computer-aided design”. It is one of several programs offered by Autodesk (formerly known as Micrografx). The company is based in San Rafael, California.

As of 2020, AutoCAD is still a widely used software package, one of the most widely used applications for desktop design.



AutoCAD was originally called Rastools (right tool stools). It was developed by a programmer who worked for the company who wanted an easy way to draw simple, geometric shapes. Another programmer by the name of Ken Kiefer was working on a tool to generate the drawings. Autodesk Inc. was founded in 1982 and acquired Rastools and Kiefer’s tool in 1984.

In 1983, Thomas H. Dyson (president and CEO of Autodesk) asked Don Hautala (CEO of Autodesk) and Hans Tofte (senior director of engineering) to work on the new product. Autodesk produced the first build of the software, called Rastools.

In 1985 Autodesk released the first version of AutoCAD. It was a “true CAD program” for drawing vector graphics and drafting, not as a simple tool for hand-drawing or tracing. Its user interface was very similar to Adobe Illustrator, although it was possible to move the tool cursor freely without following a drawing line. The first version of AutoCAD (1.0) only worked on Apple II computers, but it had a version on VMS.

In 1986, during the launch of AutoCAD 1.5, Autodesk announced that they would also provide a version for Microsoft Windows. The software became a popular desktop tool for all types of design, including architecture.


In 1992, Autodesk released AutoCAD Level II. It was offered on both Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh. In 1993 Autodesk acquired B-Brain and introduced the AcuDraw line drawing system, the first CAD system with a graphical user interface. This system and AutoCAD’s user interface were separate but complementary.

In 1994, the second version of AutoCAD came out. AutoCAD 2.0 (2D and 2.5) was a major upgrade and a complete rewrite of AutoCAD 1.5 with new command-line functionality. It was bundled with AutoC

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The 2D native format is PDF, as well as most commonly the native format of AutoCAD, drawing exchange format (DXF), as well as the file formats it imports and exports. A vector-based format is DWG, and AutoCAD can directly import and export that. 3D files can be viewed in 3D Wireframe, or 3D Section.

Drawing features
AutoCAD supports many advanced drawing features, including:
AutoLISP-based programming
Data Interchange Format (DXF) (including level of DXF support depends on the AutoCAD version)
Constrained Editing (CE)
Drawing control panel (DCP)
Dynamic Component Library (DCL)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Guided Editing
Joints (J), which provide a method to make precision holes and channels (beveled edges) in a drawing. The Joint tool allows an outline to be created of the shape of the hole and a cutting path to be created to cut the hole.
Line and arc handles
Multivariate Splines
Named colors
On-screen display (OSD)
Point creation tools
Precision Engineering (PE)
Perspective views (persp)
Proxy objects (PX)
Polar tracking
Profile views
Section planes
Section views
Sheet sets
Simple polyline object
Solid creation tools
Spatial Coordinate System (SCS)
Surface modeling tools
3D graphics
User preferences
Vector layers
Wireframe, which is the default 3D view used to model the objects. In AutoCAD, a wireframe is similar to a 3D section. A wireframe shows the polylines that make up the model, like a 2D section. Wireframe shows all the faces of a model, unlike section view. It also shows all the edges of a model, unlike a section view.

Autodesk’s support of AutoCAD is available on a subscription basis, with 2 to 5 year support contracts, or a perpetual license can be purchased. For those using AcDbXML, support is also available from Autodesk.

On February 16, 2014, Autodesk announced the launch of a subscription-based service to offer both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT

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![Layouts module](../../../res/images/layouts.png)

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Refresh your model. Selecting this option will cause CADxCloud to automatically refresh your model, while preserving the original state of your drawings. (video: 2:35 min.)

Revise a drawing: Revise and correct your model with the simple click of a button, and your changes will be instantly reflected in your design. (video: 2:21 min.)

Vector Data Sharing:

Share your vector data and drawings with anyone on any device. AutoCAD Cloud provides an easy way to share your work with a maximum of 10 devices without having to install additional software. (video: 1:15 min.)

Work with data you’re already sharing on any device. You can even work from your iPhone or iPad without the need to install software. (video: 2:06 min.)

Choose from a variety of CADxCloud providers. Share your vector drawings and data with only trusted providers. (video: 1:18 min.)

Automate your production process. Use AutoCAD Cloud to manage your project plans and deliveries. With multiple delivery options, you can design and share your model with the software of your choice. (video: 1:11 min.)

Share your models and files securely. Use AutoCAD Cloud to manage access to files and documents on your computer, share access with your coworkers, and set up granular access levels for your drawings. (video: 1:10 min.)

Work with files you’re already sharing on any device. Choose from over 100 cloud providers and copy and paste files from your hard drive. (video: 1:15 min.)

AutoCAD Cloud is the new way to create, share, edit, and deliver AutoCAD models, as well as other vector drawings such as AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD LT for Mac, and AutoCAD Map 3D. Sign in and start sharing today.

Create your own fonts with Text 2

Get started with Text 2 in AutoCAD. Create a new text object with Text 2, set your font size, and choose any of over 1,000 font shapes. Create text to display your label shapes in an abstract and fun way. (video: 1:30 min.)

New measure command

Create precision and accuracy standards with the newly introduced command measure. Use the command to automatically create standards, give a measurement value and create precision and accuracy standards (video

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 10 x64, Windows 7 x64 or Windows 8.1 x64
Processor: Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, Core i7
Memory: 6 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1050/RX 480/RX 560, AMD
HDD: 25 GB available space
Sound card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
How to Play:
Launch the Game
Select Settings
Select Windows 10 and Then “Internet Explorer” from the list
Select Internet Explorer