Applied Econometric Time Series 3rd Pdf 125 ##VERIFIED## ⚡

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Applied Econometric Time Series 3rd Pdf 125

563. the understanding of the nature of community as a social phenomenon has not been part of the way religious communities have conceived of one another, or even of themselves. the french theologian pierre teilhard de chardin summed up his distinction between ‘community’ and ‘society’ when he wrote: to define the history of the world in terms of the play of individual souls is to consider people as independent entities of the same species, who can evolve at their own pace, and who are not capable of reacting to the impact of one another. the objective of human history is the building of society, that is to say a community of peoples and a world in which the community can live as a community. [261] the nature and mutual dynamics of the various kinds of community need to be understood before we can address the question of the nature of the community of religions. it is here that we find the question of the importance of theology.

647. in no case can the numbers and forces of an effective community be reduced to a simple statement of numbers of believers or adherents or those who have been converted. attitudes and beliefs are critical. so is the integrity of the spirit. these are vital dimensions of the community. to think that they can be reduced to purely quantitative terms is to misunderstand the nature of the community of those who have been called to salvation in christ. for this community is more than a set of common beliefs. it is a mutual commitment that flows from the love of christ. it is therefore something that cannot be constructed like a house.

all this is a great temptation to complain, to be a bad neighbour, to be selfish, to arouse enmity by one’s behaviour, to quench the spiritual thirst of others with bitterness or false rivalry. yet goodness knows how much damage this can do. god only needs to look at the fruits of all the evil in the world to know the real effects of evil. [169]

45. the internet, by comparison, can offer people a different way of interacting. it can create a common space, even when most people do not use this space. it can bring new threats to people’s privacy, freedoms and lives because it makes all of these public. but it can also offer possibilities for dialogue, disclosure, openness and sharing. it can also create conditions for community building by encouraging interpersonal exchanges and intercultural encounters.
46. the risk, however, is that social contacts will not change our behaviour. cyberspace might be the new homeland. we might grow dependent, create dependency and seek refuge in it. digital technologies can be a social trap. the last decades have shown that they can lead us to shut ourselves in our virtual spaces, at a time when the dangers of isolation, mistrust, depression and worse are abundant. this is already occurring in certain nations, even in the most technologically advanced countries. it is always easy to fall into isolation. it does not matter how many internet connections we have. even when we use them, we are more likely to keep them to ourselves than to share them. with the risk of digital isolation always lurking, to be careful how we live online.
47. one’s personality has an irreducible uniqueness. no matter how much we may share, talk with, befriend or laugh with people whose beliefs, mentalities, values and habits differ from our own, our hearts will always keep the memory of who we are and of our own personality. it is clear that we need to be in contact with people of other religions, ethnicities, cultures and even world views. it is clear that we have to learn to live with one another, to share, to listen and to understand. at the same time, we must not disregard or erase our own personality. this is the only way to escape the risk of fragmentation, of turning into a faceless body, the risk of no longer recognising the face of the other. we must never forget that our personality, as well as the social contacts we make, is a gift from god. we must not let technology change that. may we all encounter one another as god made us.