Another good source of cracked software is SimClar . Users who download cracked software from there are mainly from Brazil. You can download software at least 10 times faster on SimClar and since it’s located in Brazil, the site is not blocked in many countries. SimClar offers a great selection of software to download and is very safe. It has more than 2 million software licenses.

Overall, we recommend Apps4Online as your first place to go for cracked software. Its collection of software is constantly updated with different software every day. You’ll find apps like iTunes, PDF Library, Cinema 4D, Hopper, Microsoft Office, and more. But more than that, each app you download will not only update itself, but if a new version becomes available, it will download it as well. All you need to do is choose the app you’d like to download. It will filter through all of the apps, and you’ll be left with the cracked ones that you want.

One of the larger torrent sites around, but doesn’t offer a tremendous amount of free software. Like many free sites, you have to agree to terms of use. Fortunately, they are not too onerous and are the same as the ones at general purpose torrent sites. That means you’ll have access to a number of files and torrents without anything to install.

A fairly new website with a fantastic amount of different quality tools. It is similar to Ninite in the fact that it is completely free and it allows you to install any software from literally hundreds of different sources. Free Softwares Directory (FSD) is great at keeping track of all of the numerous tools and software packages available online and in the software that is included with every distribution. You can also create your own user created repository if you have some of the programs that you want to share with others.
