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jtree is a java tree structure editor built on top of jtree. Based on jtree.JTree. It also provides functions such as Array, Tree, Pop, Push, Stack and ArrayList.

This may be a good solution if your question doesn’t have a simple solution (like replacing/saving).
Otherwise (or if you’re specifically looking for a script), you can try out an online regex tool, for example:


You may use the find and replace in the editor content.
Example with the result:

search: *(.*?)$*
replace with: $1

title: “PostgreSQL 9.3: New features in the Query Optimizer”
description: “This article introduces the new query optimization features in PostgreSQL 9.3.”
author: dang
tags: [ tutorial>beginner, topic>database, postgresql]
auto_validation: true
primary_tag: [“sql”]

## Prerequisites
[PostgreSQL 9.3]( (also in the [Production PostgreSQL]( section of the manual). The [Explain]( feature of
PostgreSQL 9.3 is not needed.

## Quick overview
The objective of this tutorial is to introduce you to new features
in PostgreSQL 9.3 that can make the query execution faster.

The new features consist of:

– A new feature called “Index Rewrite”, which implements a new algorithm to improve query execution times.
– A new way to prune the trees by which the query execution plan is generated.

The tutorial will show you how to use these new features to speed up the execution of a query.

## Quick start
1. **Create a simple table**
2. Connect to a database with: `create user sa with password’superman’;`
3. **Create your first table**
4. `create table sample_table(id int, name v

Jree Free

The jestree tool was written by Sam Thongburn. The project is supported by the Google Summer of Code 2012.
jestree is a free and open source programming tool designed to check to see if there are any JavaScript syntax errors in the entire code of a website. It attempts to identify the location of these errors and shows them in color using a simple graphical interface.

Information about jestree:

Project organization:

See some screenshots about jestree project:



VB.Net – add method to class with Interface

I want to create a class and add a couple of methods to it with interface. Here’s my code:
Public Class Helper
‘Set Interface
Implements IHelper

Public Function CallMethod(ByVal MethodName As String, ByVal Parameter As Object) As String
Return “Hi!”
End Function

Private Function Error(ByVal ErrorMsg As String) As Integer
Return 0
End Function
End Class

So here I want to create a new class and add the functions and the error function. I’m kinda confused how to create this class that is implementing the interface. I’ve seen a tutorial where he just changes his class with the interface and it work, but I don’t see where he’s adding the functions to the class.


You should not implement the Interface directly, but use a concrete class. The main difference between an interface and a class with constructor and methods is that a class with constructor and methods can be Instantiated with the new operator, and it will be the same instance each time you create new instance of it. A class which implements an interface cannot be instantiated with the new operator

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JRE: Java Regular Expression Enhance
Engine: JDK 1.7.0
Supports: Source code, File by File
License: GPL

I extracted the relevant portion and put it in a jar:

The jar file must use a special file organization like.zip to locate the extension file. In my case, the jre6.txt is the extension file.
To extract a single file, you can use the command line tool like this:
jar xf

To extract multiple files in a folder, you can use:
jar xf -C

You can get the source code and jar file from here.


We used Nuklear, a java project that creates a native library of the regular expression code (it doesn’t use regex libraries, so I could use Java’s).

allows you to write code in a language like Java, C++, C#, PHP, and so on, without knowing how to program in Java, C++, C#, PHP, and so on… and end up with an.so or.dll library that works on Linux, Windows and Mac!

You can check it on Nuklear.org

Clinical value of chest computed tomography in acute pulmonary embolism.
Chest computed tomography (CT) is used extensively in the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism (PE). In clinical practice, it has been indicated as a prerequisite test to confirm the diagnosis of PE in all patients with hemodynamic compromise. This indication has been questioned lately. Previous studies have found a low sensitivity and modest specificity of CT scans in a general population with a low to moderate pretest probability of PE. In high-risk situations such as patients with a history of PE, thromboembolism or predisposing factors, the CT scan has a better sensitivity and specificity, but its prognostic value has not been established. We performed a systematic review and a meta-analysis of the clinical value of chest CT scans in patients with a clinical suspicion of acute PE. We focused on direct clinical outcome measures, such as the risk of adverse event, and indirect outcome measures, such as the length of hospital stay. We performed a systematic search of Medline, Embase and the Cochrane

What’s New in the Jree?

jree is a tool which is based on the java.util.regex.Pattern/Matcher to implement the regular expression matching.
It can provide Nested Parentheses or any other Nested characters (e.g. (), {}, [],, etc) support of regex pattern matching.
At the front end, it is very easy to implement and makes possible to build your own regular expression parser and matcher for any complex strings.
It has a more powerful and sophisticated API which not only support the traditional matches in BEGIN and END, but also in the middle of the string, and supports regexes with Character Classes and Character Sets.

jree is easy to use and has simple api. Here is a quick example to show the matching of a regular expression.
package demo;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {
String pattern = “(\\s|.)*”;
String source = “a b c”;
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(source);
while (matcher.find()) {
System.out.println(source.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end()));



There are many very powerful Java regex libraries and tools available such as:

Eclipse Regexp Libraries

Eclipse Extenstions.
Eclipse Search
Eclipse Open
Eclipse Search

Eclipse regexp implem


JavaScript engine support for regular expression
Found in the JavaScript feature of Javascript.util.regex you can read JREgex.

JREgex provides support for regular expressions as defined by ECMA-262
in JavaScript 1.7. It is written in the Java programming language.


Regular Expression Introduction (

System Requirements For Jree:

Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP 32-bit
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz/AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
Memory: 2GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia GTS 360M or AMD Radeon HD 6670
Mac OS X 10.5.5 (10.6 also supports)
Processor: Intel Core Duo 2.66GHz/AMD Turion64 X2 533
