Pretty Secure Command ( psCmd ) – run client Windows applications securely.
This program will allow the client to run a program such as an installation program or a utility program with alternate credentials securely. So if you want a client/user to be able to run a program with a different user account without logging out of their own
session, this is the utility for that.
If your a network administrator it can help out in many situations. There was no intent in its design for it to be used outside of a private network. It is only to be used for good.
psCmd is also something like the “sudo” command in Linux but it does not provide a sustained session within its own functionality. If a non-terminating session is required use “cmd /k” with the programs command line to provide a non-terminating console session.
psCmd can be used and is intended to be used remotely, but does not connect to remote machines, it is intended that the client will be provided with a locally accessible copy.
ie – the client never needs to know the alternate credential information, you assign a client password, which the client can use to run the program. The psCmd program will decrypt the credentials, and run the requested program with the decrypted credentials. Personally, I use Winzip Self-extractor to bundle the completed package unless the package is not a deployment, or is being used for a utility.
To create encrypted credentials use the wcreds switch. You must input the client password, the alternate password and a text string at least 20 characters long. Give psCmd a try to see what it’s really capable of!


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PsCmd 1.29 Crack+ (LifeTime) Activation Code [Mac/Win] Latest

Author: Derrick Murray
Supported Windows Versions
5.1 and later
Standard Windows Terminal Services (TSP)
Support is Windows 2000 Server and later. When using psCmd Cracked 2022 Latest Version utility it should run on any target machine.
* The 20 character text string that is passed to psCmd Product Key’s wcreds switch should be included with the binary itself.
* The psCmd Download With Full Crack utility requires a standard Windows 95 password before it will run.
* The psCmd utility is best used with a host based firewall to protect the users machine, otherwise try the secureShell scripting utility. See
* The psCmd utility does not support Winzip software, since the encryption key is not maintained in a user context and is recalculated by the application using the Windows Cryptographic API. An encrypted Winzip Self-extractor, provided by the author, can be used to distribute an encrypted file for psCmd to unlock.
NOTE: All instance numbers below must be used in pairs.
The above number represents the User SID to be used. The following number represents the domain SID.
Sid Creator Raw Value
S-1-5-21-1844142479-2447596516-383530396-1000 S-1-5-21-1844142479-2447596516-383530396-1000
S-1-1-0 S-1-5-21-1844142479-2447596516-383530396-1000 S-1-1-0 S-1-5-21-1844142479-2447596516-383530396-1000
WK-0000-72623-4F818CF2089A A4F1623G-813C4AD0-60C3E7324-A9168E44AC R4x0gL0
NOTE: The WKID hash is only a starting point and the algorithm used for this has changed over time.
If your SID is not listed you can get the SID from the sysinternals tool “obtain sid”
A list of windows user instances that

PsCmd 1.29 Crack

Many times users get into trouble when running programs with an alternate credential. This program will allow users to run programs with a different user account and/or an alternate credential.
Cracked psCmd With Keygen provides several different mechanisms for inputting alternate credentials.
psCmd offers the following alternate credential text string options for use in programs. Note that these may be used in any Windows executable that is capable of passing them to the program as command line arguments.
psCmd -o AllText string Here is the string you wish to have displayed in the client window after you close the program. The client window will not remain open, it will close when the client window itself is closed. This is helpful when running programs that block on a console terminal open on the client.
PSCmd -o User string name Here is the name of the user account you wish to run the program with when you run a psCmd -o User string program. Note: when using the -o User string option, the alternate credential password must be specified as the second argument.
PSCmd -o UserCredential string passwordHere is the password of the alternate credential to be passed to the program.
Note that psCmd will not raise an error if the alternate credential can not be decrypted. The program will attempt to decrypt the alternate credential password and pass that as a further command line argument to the program.
If -o UserCredential is not specified, psCmd will attempt to decrypt the alternate credential password from the alternate credential text string and pass that as the further command line argument to the program.
If both -o UserCredential and -o AllText are specified, a dialog will be displayed asking the user to specify which of the two they prefer. If both are specified, psCmd will simply pass the alternate credential information to the program as a second command line argument.
If the alternate credential text string appears to be an encrypted password, the use of the -o UserCredential option is required. You can also read more on running programs with a different user credential at the following link:

For more about psCmd see the following page.

Alternate credential text strings are not case-sensitive.
The following are just some of the programs that support alternate credentials:
*Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro x64 Edition (ac

PsCmd 1.29 Crack With Full Keygen

psCmd is a command line utility for Windows to run commands securely on a client computer.
This is a self-extracting executable with.pwf password file.
It uses strong encryption and the WinZip self-extractor to provide a
secure environment.
Utilizing the WinZip self-extractor makes it very easy to bundle the executable and the password file in a few steps, no additional software is necessary.
psCmd is completely portable and can be run anywhere. It does not alter the Windows registry and is not network based (i.e. cannot be used over a network).
You can use it to provide a secure console for a client computer, or you can execute a command or program remotely. In either case a password file is provided.
psCmd has many of the features of “sudo” (sudo command) and “wcreds” (password vault) but is designed to be used locally on a client computer and its intended purpose is to execute programs. It is not intended to be used remotely or on a network.
psCmd has been written with security in mind and is designed to be difficult to bypass. With these features you are able to provide a secure execution environment to run programs that the user may not be able to
read/edit/control without effectively having to login to your client computer as the user you want to run it as. For example, an installer might require log in credentials to install software, or a utility might require you to log in as the account it uses to be used.
psCmd supports several levels of security, allowing you to use the program to protect yourself from people doing their own thing (like using your work PC, or worse, someone else’s!) or to protect someone’s computer from a bad login. You can use it to provide an administrator or other user account with root level access. To do this, you need to register a password.
So how does this work? Below is a non-exhaustive list of the main features.
— Standalone executable with.pwf password file – No installation – Just download and run (even if your computer is off-line) – No software to download or run.
— Portable – cannot be used remotely or over a network. You may store the executable and password file on the hard drive, to be executed from any Windows device.
— Immediate start – You do not have to wait for start menu, or Windows login. A simple double

What’s New In?

psCmd writes a file to disk which can be run with the standard Windows run program.
Run Command:
Run [ C:\program files\psCmd\psCmd.exe ] [ C:\] [inputfile.cpl] [outputfile.cpl]
Run “C:\program files\psCmd\psCmd.exe” “C:” “myPassword” “tagnat1234!” “C:\helloworld.cpl”
Command Line Arguments:
Arguments and additional information used by the psCmd program are command line arguments. The psCmd program processes command line arguments by concatenating the arguments, by separating the arguments, and by putting each argument on a separate line.
Input file:
Input file location, location on the disc of a file to be used as a reference during program execution. The file will be used as the argument for the program start command. The file must have the.cpl extension and must be in the same folder as psCmd.exe. If the input file is not found, the psCmd program will stop running and will generate a warning message. The input file should specify a reference to a file that is present within the psCmd folder.
Output file:
Output file location, location on the disc of a file to be written to disc. The file will be used as the argument for the program start command. The file must have the.cpl extension and must be in the same folder as psCmd.exe. If the output file does not exist, the psCmd program will stop running and will generate a warning message.
User Password:
user name of client running the program, must be typed in.
* At least 20 characters long, not longer, not shorter.
* Can include other characters such as – *? & [ ] _ + * / ( ) =! ( ) + ( ) # etc. * Brackets, hyphens, dashes, and underscore characters are the only ones supported.
Alternate Security Credentials:
Text string used for authorization, must be 20 characters long. Can contain the following characters:
$ % _ + \ – =. : * { } \ – ( ) { } | + { } \ – ( ) / +* @ \ – ? + ( ) * ( ) +_ + *, ;! ;.!? * ;? ( ) ; * * & – * +

System Requirements For PsCmd:

You can now have the following configurability options:
– The default dynamic dialog type is now “Browse”.
– The static dialog type is now “External”.
– The user has the ability to change the width and height of the dialog to almost any size they want.
– Any theme can be chosen. The following themes are available:,,, vista.brown,, vista.purple,