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IMDb: 6.7. . 0 Ratings. Season: 1. Title:The Intouchables. Original title:Le caïd, le cobbler, le meilleur ami de, Les gens du beau monde. Genre:Horror, Thriller, Action.Country:France. Release date:2011-09-12 .
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In conclusion, our study reports on a CCUS case with a complication of an esophageal carcinoma that occurred in a patient who received SSRIs for over 10 years. SSRIs have been widely used for psychiatric disorders, and we need to understand their serious side effects in the context of using them in association with medical treatment, including those for CRC. Clinicians should consider psychiatric disorders as a possible cause of an esophageal tumor.

**Conflict of Interest**

No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.

![(A) The patient was in poor general condition. Barium esophagography demonstrated an intramural mass in the lower thoracic esophagus. (B) and (C) Subsequent computed tomography of the chest showed no metastasis of the tumor except for the esophageal wall mass. (D) The esophageal tumor was resected under anesthesia via a transhiatal approach with a posterolateral thoracotomy. (E) The microscopic findings of the esophageal tumor (HE, ×200). (F) The final pathological findings (HE, ×200).](kjfm-37-280-g001){#F1}